Rimel Neffati crea imágenes con una visión cercana a la pintura y el dibujo. Sus fotografías se visten de blanco y negro, sepia y tonos grises, añadiendo a veces un toque de colores primarios; en ellas se pueden apreciar escenas un tanto surrealistas, oníricas y difusas, con una gran dosis de feminidad, algo de erotismo y una gran teatralidad. Neffati deja impresas sus emociones y sus historias a través de de un gran conjunto de imágenes que crean una atmósfera singular que termina por identificarla plenamente. Ella dice inspirarse en la historia, los recuerdos y su infancia. Rímel Neffati nos deja una web muy completa de su trabajo fotográfico. Una tras otra, sus imágenes van dejando un rastro de ternura y misterio que termina por envolvernos. Hay mucho material, y sin embargo en ningún momento resulta pesado o repetitivo. Neffati sabe conducirnos por su extensa galería acompañándonos en todo momento y mostrándonos un trocito de su alma en cada composición.

ENG: A self taught artist from France who makes portraits that will draw you straight to a world of circus, pin-ups, skulls and above all, beauty. Rimel started taking photographs at the end of 2008. With her works she proves that black and white can be the perfect ingredient for countless breathtaking works of art. The woman in her works has many different faces, and is no one other than Rimel herself. “I started by making self-portraits because it was an easy way: full control on time, ideas, (no) limits, model, and then because I never had the idea of being a “proper” photographer even though I work with a camera”.
Perhaps her idea of not being a ‘proper photographer’ is what makes her so great at what she does, as it is the playfulness and the blurriness of her works that give them a very strong identity. It’s often said that beauty can be found in imperfection. I think in Rimel’s case, the imperfections are what make her works perfect. “I love what I do, I have this feeling that I found my way, not only by self-portraits but beyond in creating, I feel I have so much to tell in this way”. www.rimelneffati.com