Aaron Nagel. Figuras esculpidas a pinceladas

«Me encontré con la obra de Aaron Nagel mientras navegaba por el mundo de la blogosfera del arte hace unos años. Sus imágenes tenían todos los ingredientes de una gran pintura, maravillosamente integradas, impecablemente pintadas, y un poco de mal agüero. El trabajo fue captado con rapidez en mi cerebro y tenía que encontrar quién era este pintor. A través de la debida diligencia, me enteré de que Nagel es un consumado músico, diseñador gráfico y artista autodidacta. Siendo autodidacta añadió intriga extra para mí, como su destreza con la pintura es simplemente asombrosa. Me quedé mirando el crecimiento artístico de Nagel y, finalmente, añadí una de sus piezas a nuestra colección personal…”
«Nagel evidencia una admiración perdurable por la pintura clásica al óleo, tanto en la técnica y en la composición Trabaja con modelos en vivo y fotografías, aparentemente esculpe la figura con pinceladas y un teatro de sombras. Sus representaciones recuerdan una letanía de pintores históricos y contemporáneos que trabajan con el desnudo…»


Aaron is the original trumpet player for punk rock/ska core act Link 80, he later played guitar in the band DESA with other former Link 80 members Ryan Noble, Adam Davis, and Barry Krippine.

ENG: Born 1980 in San Francisco, California, Aaron Nagel began drawing as a child and gradually made his way to painting. Upon discovering oils in his early twenties, he became enamored with the medium and has been obsessed ever since. Although he has had no formal training, he continues to relentlessly pursue a mastery of figurative surrealism from his home in Oakland, CA. Nagels’ work explores the potential to create a new sort of iconography for the non-believer, with subtle commentary on the trappings of organized religion and theism. “There is nudity, but I actively try and steer away from anything that might be even slightly erotic it’s really not what i’m going for. sure, there’s always going to be people who see a nipple and think, “porn”, sure, our various social networking solutions wholeheartedly remove art containing nudity (I’ve had many “…in violation of…” notices), validating those idiots who don’t approve. So my initial thought was that doing a purposefully erotic painting would be a bad idea; just having it out there making it harder for people to see past nudity…but I also really liked the idea of doing something so conceptually different”. Aaron


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