A$AP Rocky (US)


En el bullicioso y concurrido mundo del hip hop norteamericano, pocas apariciones han sido tan fulgurantes e impactantes como la de Rakim Mayers, aka A$AP Rocky. Estrella indiscutible del género, cabecilla del colectivo A$AP Mob y artista polifacético de múltiples intereses, llega a Sónar 2015 en pleno proceso de gestación del que será su tercer álbum, el continuador del exitoso “Long.Live.ASAP” (2013). De momento ya avanzado uno de los temas en forma de vídeo, “Lord Pretty Flacko Jodye 2”, y cabe la posibilidad de que estrene algún otro track nuevo sobre el escenario SonarClub.
Nacido en Harlem el año 1988, Rocky revolucionó el panorama hip hop con sus primeros temas y una excelente mixtape de debut, “Live.Love.A$AP” (2011), repleto de ritmos narcóticos y lentos (algunos de ellos cortesía de Clams Casino), rapeados psicodélicos y una atmósfera fantasmal única. Enseguida recibió los elogios de la crítica, rendida ante su carisma y el sonido extraño y cautivador de sus composiciones. Convertido ya en figura de alcance global, en el primer álbum oficial (el mencionado “Long.Live.ASAP”) contó con las colaboraciones de Skrillex (en el incontestable hit “Wild For The Night”), Kendrick Lamar, Santigold, Drake, Schoolboy Q, 2Chainz o Danger Mouse, entre muchos otros. Artista ambicioso y de talento expansivo, Rocky ha colaborado en tracks de Justin Timberlake, Sam Smith o Rihanna, se ha involucrado en la creación de una marca de ropa y ha empezado a dirigir videoclips, tanto propios como de otros artistas, como Danny Brown o miembros del colectivo que lidera.

ENG: In the bustling and over crowded world of North American hip-hop, few have emerged as dazzling and impressive as Rakim Mayers, aka A$AP Rocky. The undisputed star of the genre and leader of the A$AP Mob is a multi-faceted artist with many interests. He will arrive at Sónar 2015 while in the gestation period of his third album, following the successful «Long.Live.ASAP» (2013). Until now his new material has only seen the light of day in the form of the video «Lord Pretty Flacko Jodye 2». It is therefore highly likely that he will debut more fresh tracks from his new album on the SonarClub stage.
Born in Harlem in 1988, Rocky revolutionized the hip-hop scene with his first tracks and the outstanding debut mixtape, «Live.Love.A$AP» (2011). The mix was packed full of narcotic slow rhythms (some of them courtesy of Clams Casino), psychedelic raps and a unique ghostly atmosphere. He quickly received critical acclaim for the strange captivating sound of his compositions and his inimitable charisma. He has already become a global presence and his first official album (the aforementioned «Long.Live.ASAP») featured collaborations with Skrillex, Kendrick Lamar, Santigold, Drake, Schoolboy Q, 2Chainz and Danger Mouse, among many others. An ambitiously talented and extroverted artist, Rocky has collaborated on tracks with Justin Timberlake, Sam Smith and Rihanna; has been involved in creating a clothing brand; and also directs his own music videos, as well as those of other artists -like Danny Brown- from the collective he heads. ·

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