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YDVST | La nueva era del ambient

El misterioso productor madrileño, director artístico del interesantísimo sello Sweat Taste, lleva ya bastante tiempo -su primer release autoproducido es del 2014- componiendo piezas de ambient espectral, sintético y profundamente emotivo. Tanto es así que ha dedicado varias de sus piezas al productor de hip hop japonés Nujabes, uno de sus héroes personales, fallecido en 2010. Las producciones de YDVST (reacio de momento a desvelar su identidad) se presentan reptantes y ensoñadoras, en un lugar imaginario entre la música cinemática y el grime vanguardista de productores como Visionist y Kuedo. Pura hipnosis para el Village.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1297189169 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

ENG: The mysterious producer from Madrid, artistic director of the very interesting label Sweat Taste, has been working for quite some time – his first self-produced release is from 2014 – composing pieces of spectral, synthetic and deeply emotional ambient. So much so that he has dedicated several of his pieces to Japanese hip hop producer Nujabes, one of his personal heroes, who died in 2010. YDVST’s productions (he’s reluctant to unveil his identity for the moment) are creeping and dreamy, occupying an imaginary place between cinematic music and the avant-garde grime of producers like Visionist and Kuedo. Pure hypnosis for SonarVillage.

[soundcloud url=»https://api.soundcloud.com/users/1453468″ params=»color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true» width=»100%» height=»300″ iframe=»true» /]

MADRID| soundcloud.com/ydvst

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