Peyton ha tomado las instalaciones de la universidad de Columbus, Georgia para colocar banners y fotografiarlos. Esos banners eran originalmente mensajes de texto que personas enviaron al momento de terminar una relación. Con esto, la artista quiere buscar la catarsis al dolor propio y colectivo, que surge cuando el amor acaba. La serie de fotografías se llama Abandoned Love (Amor Abandonado). Peyton comenzó este proyecto en el 2015. Para llevarlo a cabo pidió que le enviaran “pequeñas frases de tu diario, mensajes de texto, etc. que estén relacionadas con temas de amor, melancolía y dolor causado por amor”. La convocatoria estuvo dirigida a 30 países distintos. Según Fulford, ver estos mensajes en una estructura, le ayuda a cerrar un ciclo. Pero también espera ayudar a que otros no se sientan solos.

ENG: Beginning in 2002, Harrell Fletcher and Miranda July (known for her award-winning film Me and You and Everyone We Know) created the project Learning to Love You More in which the general public responded to 70 creative assignments given by the two artists over the span of seven years. Over 8,000 participants accepted and completed a simple but specific assignment (photograph, text, video, etc), which was then sent in and posted to their online website designed and managed by Yuri Ono. Some of these assignments included make a field guide to your yard, photograph a significant outfit, give advice to yourself in the past, draw a constellation from someone’s freckles, and make an encouraging banner. “Like a recipe, meditation practice, or familiar song, the prescriptive nature of these assignments was intended to guide people towards their own experience.” As well as the participant’s documentation being posted online, a selection of the most memorable submissions were presented in exhibitions, screenings, and radio broadcasts located all over the world. The collaborative public art project was also created into a book.