Siro Anton | Nuestro universo onírico más siniestro

Siro Anton, cuyo verdadero nombre es Spiros Antoniou, es un polifacético artista griego (Atenas, 1973) con un inconfundible estilo personal que se inscribe en la tendencia “Dark Art” (Arte Oscuro). No sólo es conocido como fotógrafo, pintor y diseñador gráfico, también es miembro del emblemático grupo musical griego de metal extremo y vanguardista Septic Flesh, donde actúa de vocalista y bajo. En el ámbito musical se le conoce sobre todo como Seth Siro Anton.

Su vocación pictórica comienza a los 8 años realizando retratos y paisajes sobre madera, pero no será hasta los 17 años cuando reciba clases en escuelas privadas de pintura y diseño gráfico digital. Tiempo después, ingresará en la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Atenas, donde cursará estudios de pintura, fotografía, paisaje y perspectiva. A partir de 1997 trabajará como diseñador gráfico y artístico en diferentes revistas musicales, destacando en la creación de portadas de álbumes musicales para importantes bandas de metal y rock, como Rotting, Christ, Septic, Heaven, etc. A partir de 2001 la obra de Siro Anton alcanza una mayor difusión internacional gracias a una extensa entrevista que le hace la revista METRO.

Tanto en su pintura como en la fotografía, Siro Anton recurre a la combinación de distintas técnicas. En sus lienzos prima la pintura acrílica fusionada con el collage. Pero es en su obra fotográfica donde hace acopio de una mayor sofisticación, aplicando la técnica analógica junto con amplios recursos digitales para recrear una realidad siniestra y bizarra por donde transitan personajes salidos de los delirios más surrealistas. Tiene una especial habilidad para crear atmósferas y escenas psicóticas y provocar sensaciones inquietantes sin necesidad de recurrir al exceso de artificios y decorados barrocos, tan habituales en el Dark Art. Como todo artista, se nutre de distintas fuentes entre las que cabría destacar las obras de Joel-Peter Witkin, H.R. Giger, Dali, Francis Bacon, etc., sin por ello renunciar a una personalidad propia. De hecho, su obra plástica tiene una impronta inconfundible de tendencia surrealista y simbólica, rayando en ocasiones el expresionismo.


“Dreams are valuable, because they release the primordial chaos in our neurons, annihilating the power of time/space continuum. When I am painting, I am trying to emulate the conscious state of lucid dreaming. Besides, a dream is actually a canvas filled with images (and much more) from the subconscious, with responsible artist the Hyper Ego. The difference between the worlds of light and darkness, is that in the first one we use tools that carry specific capabilities and limitations in order to materialize the dream. In the world of light we must first learn how to operate these tools consciously, as «bridges» crossing our thoughts over to the canvas of matter. While creating art, my primal effort is to remain coordinated with my dream self, the one always watching behind my eyes, the ultimate one that is touched by the reflection of colors through light. I consider my art, a dark portal to things forbidden, freed from the safeguarding valve of Reason. My works are distorting dream mirrors of the body and soul. And the people attracted to the specific Art forms, are essentially attracted by the reflected dream world.”

Born on 24/10/1973 in Greece. His love for art was revealed early, at the age of 8, when he started painting his first portraits and landscapes on small wooden surfaces. Much later, in 1989, he decided to experiment with music and formed a Metal band called SEPTIC FLESH, along with Christos Antoniou and Sotiris Vagenas.

Yet the urge to bring his inner visual worlds to the light, was also strong. So, in 1990 he entered a private school on DTP, Digital Design and Graphics. One year later, he started taking private lessons on painting, as a student in the Art Workshop of mr. N. Stefos, developing his skills with the purpose of entering the Supreme University of Fine Arts in Athens. Two years later (1993) he succeeded. He passed the appropriate exams, by gaining one of the top positions among the contestants and was accepted from the Supreme University of Fine Arts in Greece. He decided to initially focus his study in the painting workshop of art, having as a professor the famous Greek painter mr. D. Mytaras. His courses included also photography, scenery and lessons on the perspective of space in art. During the first 3 years in the university, he earned 3 scholarships. Also, his work kept receiving in the final exams of each study period, awards of Excellency by his professors.
On the 4th year, he focused more on photography, digital processing through computer software (Photoshop, Painter) and mixed techniques.

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