Zhu Yiyong «Red Star»

Representado por la Galería de Arte Contemporáneo Galerie du Monde, su obra ha sido exhibida en numerosas exposiciones individuales y colectivas. El artista crea sus obras en series, como la tirulada «The Realm of the heart» donde reflexiona sobre los efectos de la contaminación en la China urbana moderna.
Actualmente, compagina la pintura con la docencia impartiendo clases como Profesor Asociado en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Sichuan.


Nacido en 1957 en el municipio de Chongqing y residente en Beijing (República Popular China), Zhu Yiyong es un artista que, en 1977 ingresa en la Academia de Bellas Artesde Sichuan para estudiar Pintura al óleo y forma parte del primer grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad después de la Revolución Cultural.

«Red Star» 
Zhu Yi Yong «Red Star» showcases new works that expand on his ongoing exploration of the popular child’s game, cat’s cradle. The game of cat’s cradle is played all over the world existing in many different forms and under many different names. It harkens back to an age of simplicity and innocence, a time when a child’s imagination is taking form and their interests are beginning to grow. The «Red Star» that every child has shaped in their hands carries all the weight of China’s revolutionary past. It is a wry juxtaposition, the children of the future holding in their hands the powerful symbol of China’s collective memory.

Zhu Yi Yong was born in Chongching, Sichuan Province, in 1957. He studied oil painting at the highly acclaimed Oil department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in China in 1977, in the first class of students to be admitted after the Cultural Revolution.

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