Recreando individualidades globalizadas según Pakpoom Silaphan

Este artista tailandés es capaz de mezclar globalización, consumismo, iconos culturales (más o menos) y siempre globalmente conocidos. Pakpoom Silaphan busca provocar la reflexión sobre cómo nos hemos dejado convencer de transformarnos en marcas.

Cualquier experto en marketing te lo dejará bien claro. O te conviertes en marca o no eres nadie. De esta manera Pakpoom Silaphan crea un diálogo que une este y oeste. Convierte el universal lenguaje de signos y símbolos impresos a fuego en la conciencia colectiva universal. Lo utiliza para trasladarnos la idea de si realmente queremos ese consumismo de masas o preferimos algo mucho más concreto, más elegido y seleccionado por cada uno de nosotros.


Pakpoom Silaphan explores the phenomena surrounding a «West­Obsessed» world. Silaphan, who is very much influenced by Pop Art of the 20th century, re­works found objects to create his own fresh interpretation of Pop Art. By doing so, he addresses issues of mass consumerism and the effects of globalization. Rendering historic Western cultural icons such as Andy Warhol, Jean­Michel Basquiat, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe on reclaimed Thai signs for Coca­Cola, Fanta, Pepsi, etc., Silaphan examines both negative and positive notions of international integration, while also implying the artists’ identity as a recognized global brand itself. The infiltration of Western imagery and ideology has had profound influence on Silaphan’s understanding of the West and on his artistic practice. Due to the nature and juxtaposition of Silaphan’s work, he creates an engaging dialogue between East and West, as well as the universal language of signs and symbols.

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