John Malkovich es sin duda uno de los actores consentidos del público en las últimas dos décadas. Lo mismo ocurre con David Lynch en el rubro de los directores, quien ha generado incluso una especie de culto alrededor de su obra, sobre todo de algunas películas, por ejemplo Blue Velvet o Mullholand Drive, y qué decir de su magistral serie de TV, Twin Peaks, que complementaría con el filme Fire Walk With Me.


Por eso esta coincidencia entre Malkovich y Lynch representa un momento particularmente atractivo, sobre todo si implica ver al gran John encarnar algunos de los personajes «lyncheanos» por excelencia, por ejemplo al brillante agente Dale Cooper (que practica métodos de intuición tibetana), la «mujer del tronco» que ve lo que nadie más logra ver entre las tinieblas de los bosques del noroeste de EUA, o el «hombre misterioso», de Mullholand Drive.

El fabuloso ejercicio es parte de Playing Lynch, una «meditación colaborativa en torno a la obra de Lynch que tiene como objeto recaudar fondos para la David Lynch Foundation. Por lo pronto la iniciativa incluye una serie de geniales videoviñetas que muestras a Malkovich representando una porción del bestiario lyncheano, incluido, por cierto, el propio director.

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John Malkovich Becomes The Log Lady, Dale Cooper, And Other David Lynch Characters In “Psychogenic Fugue” Film

After eight days of surreal cinemagraphs and hidden clues leading to David Lynch-themed micro-sites, the mysterious countdown has finally reached zero, revealing the David Lynch Foundation‘s latest fundraiser. One specifically with David Lynch fans in mind.

In Psychogenic Fugue, the 62-year-old American actor plays David Lynch and 7 of his movie characters from The Elephant Man, Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Lost Highway and Twin Peaks. The 20-minute director’s cut in which you’ll see John Malkovich as John Merrick, Henry Spencer, Lady in the Radiator, Mystery Man, Frank Booth, Dale Cooper and the Log Lady, can be accessed in return for a $10 donation to the David Lynch Foundation. A $25 donation gets you the film plus a collector’s pack of limited-issue Sandro prints of John Malkovich turned into these iconic characters, as well as an uncompressed digital download of The Music of David Lynch, a live recording of the 2015 David Lynch tribute concert featuring Duran Duran, Moby, Jim James, Sky Ferreira and many others “playing Lynch.” Previously only released on vinyl and a CD extra with Beyond the Beyond (Amazon), there’s now an additional way to enjoy these incredible interpretations. If you only want the music, a $5 donation will do. But seriously, who can resist John Malkovich as The Log Lady?

In 2006, David Lynch founded the David Lynch Foundation to bring Transcendental Meditation into the lives of those who could use it most. Since then, the foundation has brought the scientifically proven psychological benefits of TM into prisons, low income schools and the homes of veterans with PTSD. In April 2015, musicians such as The Flaming Lips, Karen O and Jim James performed a one-night-only tribute to the music from Lynch’s films, to raise money for the DLF. Now, you can donate to download a live recording of The Music of David Lynch, as well as the full length high-quality director’s cut of the film featuring John Malkovich playing Lynch, Psychogenic Fugue, and finally, a collectors’ edition of 8 John Malkovich portraits playing Lynch for photographer Sandro. Your proceeds will help the DLF brighten even more lives.
Through his life’s work, David Lynch has beckoned us to look below the surface, to discover new worlds. For those of us who have followed him down the rabbit hole, Squarespace is hosting Playing Lynch. Here, world-class artists and musicians offer their own interpretations of Lynch’s work, all to benefit the David Lynch Foundation. It’s their opportunity to do to Lynch’s world what he has done to ours for so long: show it in a new light to reveal a whole new realm of possibilities. Consider it returning the favor.




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