Las nuevas tecnologías arrasan por donde pasan y con la fotografía no podía ser diferente. Nos encontramos en la era de los smartphones y ya se cuentan por centenas las apps para capturar y retocar imágenes. Y aquí es donde toca mencionar a Sarah Jarrett, una artista británica que ha sabido explotar al máximo las posibilidades que ofrecen los teléfonos móviles para transformar sus fotografías en auténticas obras pictóricas. Cautivada por Iphoneography, Sarah realiza sus fotografías con Iphone e Ipad aplicándoles posteriormente todo tipo de efectos y filtros hasta conseguir el resultado deseado. Se licenció en Harrow School of Art & Brighton University en 1992 con especialidad en fotografía, ha expuesto su obra en Londres, Brighton, Cambridge y Norfolk y ha recibido el premio a artista del año 2013 en The Mobile Photo Awards que organiza iPhoneography.

ENG: One of the most shocking things about the Norfolk based artist that you may not realize is that all of her work is done through Apps, either using her iPhone and/or tablet. As all of you know, there is a resistance from many in the art community for using these types of devices for “authentic” fine art. Admittingly, even we had times have found it difficult to take seriously.
Sarah Jarrett: I think we are really at a point now where the creative potential offered by technology is incredibly exciting. I always saw iPhoneography as a serious replacement for the work I was doing with an SLR because as apps improved I found I could achieve effects way beyond Photoshop and I gradually switched to editing with apps all the time. One of the main things I am interested in is in finding meeting points between painting and photography and apps like Procreate and iColorama enable me to explore that idea constantly. What excites me about the future of this medium is the potential for apps and tablets as they become more and more sophisticated. I don’t see it as a replacement for other forms of Photography, everything has its place and this is just one strand but what is exciting is how illustration, painting, collage, printmaking and photography can become more merged and overlap working with tablets. Every day I feel really inspired and excited about iPhoneography.