La marca ética ‘Tiralahilacha’ en Lupita’s Concept Store

‘Tiralahilacha’ es la unión entre Pablo y Meeta. Él diseñador gráfico y ella diseñadora de moda y fundadora de la marca. De mentes inquietas con muchos deseos de aprender para así seguir creciendo e involucrados en proyectos estimulantes.
‘Tiralahilacha’ se ha inspirado en el movimiento Vintage y las cosas bellas, cuidando esos pequeños detalles que denotan ese trabajo artesanal. Investigando sobre las diferentes épocas de la indumentaria y centrádos en los detalles, producen colecciones con un estilo muy retro que poco a poco fue evolucionando, pero siempre manteniendo su estilo; romántico, femenino y actual.
Crean prendas de calidad, duraderas, apoyando el slow fashion y lo que es más importante, saber quién, cómo y dónde se confeccionan las prendas que vestimos. Se identifican con el movimiento #WHOMADEYOURCLOTHES y la moda sostenible.


ENG: “Tiralahilacha” is the joint venture of Pablo and Meeta. Pablo is a graphic designer and Meeta is both, fashion designer and creative director to the firm. We both have curious minds and we both wish to keep on learning by embarking in stimulating new projects. Tiralahicha has been greatly influenced by what is known as vintage style and inspired by all things beautiful and antique. We admire the careful handcraft and minute detail given to garments made in previous centuries. We have explored fashion styles from the past and have aimed to reproduce the detail with which garments were once made. Our collections have a vintage feel, which has evolved into a more definite, feminine, romantic and yet “on trend” modern style. We believe in supporting local industries and therefore, all our designs, dress patterns and samples are made in Barcelona. Little by little our project has taken shape and we have finally found a method of production that satisfies us. We have found the way to create our collections in a controlled, ethical, transparent and, above all a responsible manner both, towards the environment and towards all people implied in our productions. We want to create high-quality, long-lasting clothing in accordance with the slow fashion trend. Above all we want to know who is making and how and where our garments are being made. We adhere to the  #WHOMADEYOURCLOTHES and to the sustainable fashion movements. Our greatest wish is to continue being inspired and eager to create further beautiful collections for you to wear.  And we wish to thank you for your support throughout these years and for making this project possible. We know we could not have done it without you.

Disponible en  Lupita’s Concept Store. Corderia, 28. Palma. Mallorca.

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