Jani Hänninen. The Elegance of Trash

Jani Hänninen (b.1974) crea arte crujiente y delicioso. Sus pinturas y objetos de arte son perspicaces representaciones de dolor, locura, intoxicación y otros sentimientos angustiosos y estados de ánimo. Hänninen retrata estas condiciones mentales de una manera más agradable. Sus obras son sensibles, honestas, tristes y tremendamente divertidos y graciosos como un sacerdote borracho cayendo en la tumba de un funeral. Hänninen es un ingenioso artista visual cuyas obras hablan sobre la condición contemporánea del mundo y los seres humanos. Sus mensajes no son siempre agradable pero como Oscar Wilde escribió: «No existe libro moral o inmoral. Los libros están bien escritos o mal escrito. Eso es todo.» y Jani Hänninen nos hace vernos a nosotros mismos como somos.

Jani Hänninen
Jani Hänninen

ENG: Jani Hänninen (b.1974) creates crisp and delicious art. His paintings and objets d’art are insightful representations of pain, lunacy, social unsuccessfulness, intoxication, and other distressing feelings and moods. Hänninen portrays these mental conditions truthfully and in a most pleasing way. His works are sensitive, brutal, honest, sad and tremendously funny – funny as a drunken priest falling into a grave at the funeral. Jani Hänninen’s talent exists in his artistic open-mindedness which has a foundation in his healthy sense of materials. He seems to be completely analytical, still extreme sensitive, when dealing with his materials. Hänninen is a quick-witted visual artist whose works speak about the contemporary condition of humans and world. His messages aren’t always pleasing but as Oscar Wilde wrote: «There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are well written, badly written. That is all.» And Jani Hänninen makes us see ourselves as we are.

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