Irresistor, una propuesta realmente “diferente”

“Irresistor” es la nueva propuesta de gafas de sol que esta disponible en Óptica Toscana. Una colección atrevida y futurista que aprovecha la tecnología para romper con los convencionalismos de las gafas tradicionales. “Irresistor” re-interpreta la historia, la cultura y el estilo de vida desde diferentes puntos de vista. Basándose en un término acuñado por ellos mismos, “Kraftwerk”, que significa una re-interpretación del diseño apoyado en una tecnología de vanguardia, pretenden expresar su punto de vista sin fronteras, sin sesgos, para conseguir un efecto transgresor.

ENG: IRRESISTOR is the combined word of prefix ‘IR’ and ‘RESIST,’ which means IRRESISTIBLE CREATION.   IRRESISTOR is the innovative leading brand, which realizes the futuristic green technology that breaks the conventional ideas and forms of eyewear. Under the concept of ‘Blended Soul,’ we try to reinterpret the history, culture and lifestyle to a different point of view and that is the philosophy of IRRESISTOR. These days, many eyewear brands are trying to create new way of designing the frame instead of the full acetate way. Especially the material-mix of acetate and the metal is becoming trend. POPSTAR upgraded this material mix then created very new and innovated shape. The very round shape met with the bold frame and unique metal trim around. Each metal pieces are delicately produced by two metal molds and the perfect combination raised the completeness. Also they are made of Titanum, the lightness gives the better comfortable fit. Then we added the personalities with various colors, such as neon red and neon yellow that strongly appeal the sense of POPSTAR.

Óptica Toscana. Carrer dels Paraires, 2. Palma.

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