Maiko Takeda. Lo etéreo, lo tangible y la moda

Nacida y criada en Tokio pero radicada en Londres en la actualidad, Takeda encuentra inspiración para sus creaciones en las cosas más insignificantes de la vida cotidiana, en ambientes que a veces no tienen nada que ver con la moda. Estudió diseño de joyería en el Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design de Londres y su nombre ha estado estrechamente relacionado con firmas como Issey Miyake, Stephen Jones y Philip Treacy.
Favoritas ya entre artistas alternativos y extravagantes como la cantante islandesa Björk, las piezas de su colección Atmospheric Reentry son básicamente estructuras conformadas por puntas de plástico transparente de diversos colores, unidas a soportes de acrílico mediante pequeños anillos de plata. Curiosamente, la conjugación de estos materiales tan poco convencionales se ha traducido en prendas sorprendentemente frágiles y ligeras que engañan al ojo.
Atmospheric Reentry alcanza un sentido de la estética que pone a prueba toda lógica y toda tendencia. A través de esta colección, Maiko Takeda se da el lujo de crear prendas que encienden la pasarela, a la vez que expone su reflexión sobre la virtualidad. Y es que esta serie parece ser la representación de nuestra vida real, pero dentro de una “nube” que es, paradójicamente, real y abstracta al mismo tiempo.


ENG: Born and raised in Tokyo but currently based in London, Takeda finds inspiration in the smallest details of everyday life, environments totally unrelated to fashion. She studied jewelry design at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and her work experience includes labels such as Issey Miyake, Stephen Jones and Philip Treacy.
Already a favorite with alternative and quirky artists like Björk, the unique elements included in Atmospheric Reentry are, primarily, structures made of transparent plastic tips painted in different colors, linked to acrylic holders by small silver rings. Interestingly, the combination of these very unconventional materials has resulted in surprisingly fragile pieces that definitely fool the eye.
Loaded with visual effects that defy convention, this striking collection is informed by the ethereal, imaginary nature of beauty. Each of the pieces seems to be made of small feathers, holographic spikes and color explosions frozen in time.


Through this collection, Maiko Takeda allows herself to create garments that cause stir on the catwalk, and to explore her own social concerns. Seen from the point of view of social reflection, this is a trend that only a few decades ago would have been seen only on the catwalks, where we constantly find references to industrialization and technology. But for Takeda, this collection is based on more profound concepts such as the interaction between the virtual and the digital. We could say this series is a representation of our present life, which takes place inside a «cloud» that is, paradoxically, real and abstract at the same time.


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