El último acto de amor, una obra artística y una acción subverisva de Genesis P-Orridge
Algunas coincidencias de la vida inspiran verdaderos momentos de gloria. Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, padre de la música industrial en grupos como Throbbing Gristle (1975 a 1981) y Psychic TV, se cruzó en una inauguración con Marie Losier, artista consagrada al cine experimental, de la manera más inesperada, pisándole un pie. De esta forma tan poco glamurosa, se creó una verdadera amistad que finalizó en una invitación para que la joven directora acompañase al artista en una de sus giras. En el inicio del nuevo siglo Genesis, redefine su arte como un desafío a la biología y completamente enamorado de su compañera y colaboradora artística, Lady Jake, lanza su proyecto Creating the Pandrogyne, decidiendo juntos “crear en lugar de procrear”. Este sorprendente documental relata el rencuentro entre estos dos artistas de la escena underground americana, la transformación de Genesis aplicando su nueva teoría de la pandroginia, una nueva frontera en la definición y los límites del género sexual, y sobre todo, una maravillosa e increíble historia de amor. Unas imágenes, rodadas en su mayor parte en 16 mm, cuadros dignos de inicio del cine mudo en su versión más fantástica y tomas de aficionado componen un trabajo que ha encandilado a los programadores de una treintena de festivales internacionales.(Tate Modern, Withney Biennial, PS1, MOMA, Centre Georges Pompidou, Wexner Museum, Tribeca, Flaherty Seminar, Berlin Film Festival, Rotterdam). El cine experimental de Marie Losier, dotado de sentido y de gran calidad visual, sirve de cuadro incomparable para esta espectacular historia alejada de cualquier parámetro imaginable.

ENG: Genesis Breyer P-Orridge has been a key figure of the underground music scene for over 30 years. A cult artist in prepunk and post-punk groups Throbbing Gristle (1975 to 1981) and Psychic TV (1981 to present), he is considered to be the father of industrial music and a pioneer of acid house and techno. Not content with breaking new ground in music, Genesis has also used his position at the limits of society to challenge the very fundamentals of biology. Transformation is, indeed, central to his life. He became a she to resemble his beloved Lady Jaye, now deceased. With peroxide hair, full lips and gold teeth, Genesis does not go unnoticed. A unique life, modeled on his other, Lady Jaye, who remains an integral part of himself. Without subscribing to any movement but living life as the ultimate experiment, he has made his body a work of art. A kaleidoscopic collection of moving surfaces, composed of interviews (Orlan, Peaches, Peter Christopherson), role plays, concerts and his day to day life, comes together to paint a multi-faceted profile of this pioneer of industrial music and in doing so, exposes the abundant yet inherently elusive nature of his creativity. Marie Losier has made film portraits of such avant-garde artists as filmmakers Guy Maddin and The Kuchar brothers, theater director Richard Foreman; and composer / filmmaker Tony Conrad. Whimsical, poetic, dreamlike and unconventional, her films explore the life and work of these artists through an endless variety of cinematic means. Losier’s works are presented regularly in prestigious museums and film festivals around the world (Tate Modern, Withney Biennial, PS1, MOMA, Centre Georges Pompidou, Wexner Museum, Tribeca, Flaherty Seminar, Berlin Film Festival, Rotterdam).
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