Julia Fullerton-Batten revisa el modelo clásico de belleza


La reconocida y galardonada Julia Fullerton-Batten pertenece a una generación reciente de fotógrafos ingleses (aunque nació en Bremen, Alemania a una corta edad se mudó a Inglaterra) su trabajo es un balance perfecto que mezcla un interesante contenido, la naturaleza de sus modelos, escenarios inusuales, utilización de objetos, y una técnica de luz muy particular lo cual hace de su estilo algo único y personal. Su trabajo también ha sido expuesto en múltiples galerías internacionales y esta colgado en la National Portrait Gallery y el Museo de L’Elysse. Ha participado en campañas para marcas como Visa, Canon, McDonalds y ha trabajado para Vogue en Londres. Adicionalmente su trabajo ha sido presentado en diversas revistas de fotografía.


As one critic commented “Quite happy to leave ambiguities in her pictures for us to unravel as we can, she is not the kind of photographer who wants us to “get” a message and then leave. On the contrary, she likes to introduce us to characters and situations and invite us to develop them. More than most photographers, Fullerton-Batten demands active intelligence from her viewers.”

Award winning photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten belongs to a new generation of British photographers (although born in Bremen, Germany at a young age she moved to England), her work is a perfect balance between interesting content, the naturalness of her models, the unusual surrounding, the use of props, and her lighting technique that all create a very unique and personal style. Julia’s work has been shown in many international art venues and is hung at National Portrait Gallery and Musee de l’Elysee. She has participated in campaigns for brands such as Visa, Canon, McDonalds and has worked for Vogue in London and her work has been profiled in several photography magazines.  BREMEN |

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