Hollie Chastain

Los collages de Hollie muestran la influencia de poemas y cuentos de hadas a los que la autora se aficionó en la niñez. En ocasiones, el punto de partida no es un tema o una idea, sino el propio material, que Hollie explora e interroga hasta dar con la forma que lo hace cobrar vida. La técnica que más emplea Hollie es el collage, sobre todo a partir de materiales ya utilizados, que complementa con acuarelas y dibujo a lápiz. El resultado son obras delicadas e impactantes, en las que el aire de antigüedad que aportan los materiales contrasta vivamente con colores sólidos y vibrantes.

ENG: Hollie Chastain’s gorgeous art breathes new life into found paper and vintage books, cleverly pairing geometric forms with the human figure to create portraits with gentle, indefinable narratives.
Hollie Chastain is an artist living and working in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Following studies in both fine art and business she spent several years in marketing and design before taking the leap in 2009 to launch a career as an artist and illustrator. Hollie works mainly with paper, mixing vintage and found images with modern colors and compositions to create work full of originality and narrative. As well as various publications you can see her work in galleries and art boutiques both in the US and abroad.




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