Formento + Formento. Inspiración cinematográfica

Formento + Formento es una pareja de creativos. BJ y Richeille son marido y mujer y también fotógrafo y directora de arte, que producen increíbles escenas fotográficas. Su elegancia y la composición aluden un mundo cinematográfico de épocas pasadas con asombrosos vestuarios, maquillaje, peinado, modelos muy adecuadas y escenografías que ambientan totalmente la serie fotográfica. El manejo de la luz, un reto tan delicado de conquistar, es todo un logro. Muy probablemente si la luz fuera más intensa, el significado y la percepción de las obras sería muy distinto. Los trabajos de F & F han sido galardonados por marcas como Luden y Colgate. Han realizado campañas de responsabilidad social referente al SIDA en mujeres y el apoyo a la vida en Japón.

BJ Formento & Richeille Formento

ENG: Formento and Formento, this extremely creative and dynamic husband-wife team have made an art of their unique strain of photography. Exuding an eerie sensuality combined with a narrative cinematic sensibility, the ambiguous nature of the characters and scenarios remind us of David Lynch and Hopper-esque landscapes.They couldn’t have landed in the photographic landscape at a more opportune moment.
With the enormous interest in their worksuccess is eminent. Vogue Italia has been a forerunner and loyal supporter of their work, as well as cutting edge magazines like Aesthetica, Blink, Musee and L’oeil de la Photographie. 2012 was a breakthrough year for Formento and Formento. They were nominated top finalist to American Vogue’s New Exposure Competition working with Bottega Venetta and Red Digital Camera.
BJ Formento was born in Hawaii and grew up in the Philippines, studied in San Francisco and moved to New York in 1999. Richeille Formento was born in London and attended the prestigious Central St. Martins College of Art before working as an art director and designer in the fashion industry.

MALLORCA | Disponible en YellowKorner. Colom, 16. Palma.

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