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Luca Zanier Pasillos de poder // Corridors of Power

El fotógrafo afincado en Zurich ha titulado acertadamente como «Corridors of Power» a una serie de fotos donde con los lugares, centros de poder, donde se toman las más importantes decisiones de nuestro planeta. Los espacios varían (desde enormes hasta otros más «modestos»), pero todos tienen en común ser el lugar donde quedan, en manos de unos pocos, decisiones que afectarán a muchos millones de personas. Todos los lugares capturados están vacíos, lo cual hace que transmitan un aura e intriga a veces intimidatoria.
ENG: For centuries we have been fascinated by the architecture of power; indeed many of the world’s most visited tourist sites are structures from where religious, political and social power was once exercised. But what about the places which provide the backdrops to the decision-makers of today? Swiss photographer Luca Zanier’s ongoing project Corridors of Power takes us inside the very rooms where the contemporary power-brokers play, many of which seem straight out of central casting.
From the surprisingly colourful United Nations Security Council room in New York to the uber-futuristic French Communist Party HQ, and the space-age UN General Assembly Chamber to the preposterously pompous FIFA Executive Committee Room in Zurich (that’s the world football governing body for pity’s sake), Luca’s series makes us think about how organisations manifest their identities in the 21st Century.
ZURICH | fotografía

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