Andrew Weatherall (UK) Electronic music alchemist with an impeccable career.

Andrew Weatherall_01 Ian Jackson

Leyenda del underground británico y uno de los motores más activos en el desarrollo de la electrónica de las dos últimas décadas, Andrew Weatherall acumula galones suficientes como para desbordar cualquier intento de aproximación biográfica. Productor del “Screamadelica” de Primal Scream y fundador de bandas como The Sabres Of Paradise y Two Lone Swordsmen, el de Windsor sienta cátedra desde la cabina con sus trabajos para Beth Orton o One Dove, perfecciona el arte del remix al servicio de Happy Mondays, Manic Street Preachers o My Bloody Valentine, ejerce como DJ de renombre internacional y aún tiene tiempo para involucrarse en proyectos como The Asphodells, formado a medias con Timothy J. Fairplay. ENG: Legend of British underground and one of the most active motors of electronic music in the last two decades, Andrew Weatherall has enough honours to overflow any attempt to biographical approach. Producer of “Screamadelica” by Primal Scream and founder of bands such as The Sabres Of Paradise and Two Lone Swordsmen, this artist from Windsor is the voice of experience in the DJ box with his work for Beth Orton and One Dove, he perfects the art of remixing at the service of Happy Mondays, Manic Street Preachers and My Bloody Valentine, he works as an internationally known DJ and still has time to get involved in projects such as The Asphodells, formed together with Timothy J. Fairplay.

Texto: Cortesía Primavera Sound

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