El mundo a través de los ojos de Caras Ionut


Ser un fotógrafo es lo mejor del mundo; te permite ver lo que otros no ven, capturar un momento único, una emoción especial, y guardarlo de por vida. Ser un fotógrafo es también un gran hobby; te sientes tocado emocionalmente con todo, te conviertes en parte del mundo entero e intentas preservarlo para compartirlo más adelante. Por otra parte, para ser un artista digital, necesitas la fotografía. Personalmente, fotografío todo, y después lo combino de acuerdo a mi visión.

Aquí lo principal es, por supuesto, la ‘creatividad’. Incluso si tienes ideas pequeñas y simples, intenta llevarlas a cabo. Y vuelve a intentarlo… No te quedes pensando que no puede hacerse. Con tales excusas, nunca tendrás éxito. Explora cada día el mundo a tu alrededor; cosas que podrías utilizar en tu trabajo creativo. Tal vez no hoy mismo, pero sí en el futuro. Caras Ionut

Comenzando con una imagen normal como punto de partida, Ionut, mezcla lo ordinario con lo extraordinario convirtiendo una simple escena en una imagen sorprendente.
“Espero abrir una galería algún día y convertirme en un gran diseñador creativo. Mi vida fue muy difícil; mucho trabajo y poca ayuda familiar, así que tuve que abrirme paso en la vida, luchando contra el sistema e intentando sobrevivir. Aun así, me considero una persona divertida, amable y adorable con mi familia y mi trabajo. Intento crear cosas nuevas todo el tiempo, basándome en historias hermosas y sentido del humor”.

ENG: We discovered the work of a very talented Romanian photographer, Ionut Caras. The artist, born in February of the late 70’s, seemed to have taken passion in cooler weather as inspiration for his photography. A big part of his work reflects depictions of fall and winter and his mechanics entail several hues of blues and whites. Ionut seems to visit the positive side of people’s dreams, but also the darker side of those dreams, not necessarily what one would see as negative, but possibly a dream that one could not quite understand. His work is hardly classifiable in a particular category. At the crossroads between surrealism and magic, it enhances the art of collage for a very poetic and mysterious rendering. We are fascinated by his dream photographs and we are happy to know that many of them were taken in Romania.

“Being a photographer is the best thing in the world, it allows you to see what other cannot, it allows you to capture a unique moment, a special emotion and save it for life. Being a photographer is also a great hobby, you get to be more emotionally touched with everything, you become a part of the whole world and try to save it and share it later on. On the other hand, in order to be a digital artist, you need photography. Personally, I take shots of something and after that I combine them according to my vision”.

The Romania-based photographer describes himself as a ‘photo mechanic’ and has created the series of mindboggling pictures using the computer program. Often using a normal picture as a starting point, Ionut mixes the ordinary with the extraordinary changing a simple scene of a girl fishing by a lake into a startling image of the girl riding on top of a huge fish.
“I hope that one day I will get to open a gallery and became a great Creative Designer. My life was very complicated, hard work and not much family help, so I had to make my way in life, fighting with the system and trying to survive. Even so, I think of myself as of a very funny person, kind and loving with my family and work. I try to create new and new stuff all the time, based on beautiful stories and the sense of humor”.

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