Akif Hakan Celebi


Es un fotógrafo nacido en Estambul, Turquía, aunque actualmente trabaja y reside en Miami, Florida moviéndose con total comodidad en diferentes campos y estilos fotográficos desde la fotografía publicitaria, el retrato, moda, viajes, desnudos, etc, siempre con un gran dominio del color y el blanco y negro en ocasiones que le otorgan un estilo personal y de gran calidad. Sus fotografías también se acercan a un erotismo realmente delicado, mostrando un desnudo más insinuante que visible, porque como el mismo dice: “En la mayor parte de mi trabajo, el desnudo no es el punto fundamental. Las emociones son el verdadero centro del discurso. El desnudo es el modo que uso para mostrar la naturalidad de la situación, pero no quiero despertar el instinto voyeurístico del espectador. El sentimiento es el dominante respecto al cuerpo.”

He manages to implement and blend current trends in visual arts with his own creativity which is influenced by many great movies especially from the Far East. In most of his works, the goal is to give the viewers a story and set an atmospheric mood within the images he creates. He brings ‘Expressionism’ into photography with the use of unusual color-combinations. He approaches fashion photography with an edge, blending fine-art and photo-journalistic aspects with glamour, sensuality and beauty. His images are very cinematic and always strive to go beyond established styles and widen the boundaries of photographic expression. He aims to produce powerful images that leave an impact on the viewer. In 2006, he has been awarded by Max magazine in Germany as one of the best new generation photographers of the future, he was also a finalist in 2006 International Color Awards. In 2011 one of his photographs was chosen as the runner-up for “Image Of The Year” by American Photo magazine.

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