Michael Carson es un artista figurativo, que se declara influenciado por las pinturas de Toulouise Loutrec, Edgar Degás, Norman Rockwell, Malcolm Liepke o Milt Kobayashi, por lo que le gusta contar historias con sus pinturas, utilizando como lenguaje el color y la luz.
Se le considera un joven talento de la pintura americana y está dando mucho que hablar en los circuitos de arte americanos, lo que permite que venda con facilidad su producción, razón por la cual hoy resulta difícil reunir un numero relevante de obras en stock, que permita ofrecer exposiciones de su pintura.
Dos son los temas que predominan en sus lienzos, el interés que siente por el diseño de moda y la atracción que le produce el ambiente de los garito, que refleja con ciertas reminiscencias de los años 20, bares, clubes nocturnos, cafés y clubes de jazz, prostíbulos, … Su técnica se basa en un manejo colorista de pintura muy diluida, donde apenas dibuja sus lienzos, mediante pinceladas rápidas y ligeras, de marcada influencia impresionista, y la intensa utilización de las sombras y el color con intenciones dramáticas que confirman sus antecedentes como ilustrador, con un dominio de la composición y diseño de la obra.
ENG: His vision is to emphasize relationships of color and light and allow the texture of his brush stroke to move a viewer’s eye through the art. Artist Statement: “My work is first and foremost figurative studies. It’s what I like to paint, my biggest challenge and my greatest payoff. My nondescript surroundings help me create a mood or a story that I am to trying to relay through my painting. Inspiration comes from architectural interiors as well as fashion and my work allows me to explore and explain this side of myself. Seeing how the work evolves, I view a painting as a success when I take from it something new that follows me into my next work. It’s just about learning to become a better painter.”
Michael Carson’s glamorous scenes, set in bars, clubs, cafés, and dance studios, are marked by a hazy realism reminiscent of French impressionist and post-impressionist works by artists such as Edgar Degas and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Carson, who was formally trained in design, brings elements of fashion and architecture into his work, but his foremost commitment is to the art of painting. “I love the ways that a single brushstroke can create such subtleties in facial expression,” he remarked. “I spend most of my time on the face and hands. They tell the story.”
MINNEAPOLIS | www.artsy.net/artist/michael-carson